Saturday, 28 November 2015

November Wrap Up!

Hello! it's been a while...but as I said in my last post, school has been hectic so I haven't been able to read as much or post as much as I usually do. 

This month I managed to read only 4 books, and out of those four only 1 of them was on  my TBR. 

The reason I didn't stick to my TBR, and the reason I hardly stick to my TBR's is because I like reading what I feel like reading at the time - which I assume most people do.

 I create the TBR as a guideline, but sometimes my reading mood is contemporary only or dystopian only. 

Now onto the wrap up for November....
(DO - EXO)

1# Carrie by Stephan King

2# Angels Twice Descending by Cassandra Clare and Robin Wasserman 

3# All Wraped Up by Holly Smale

4# George by Alex Gino

This month was a really good reading month for me, but also really stressful because of tests and the ever increasing workload. 

Hopefully I will have some reviews up sometime soon on the books I read this month so stay tuned!

(Disclaimer: The images used in this post are not mine. BTW the gif is of a singer called DO from an amazing korean band called Exo...check them out.)

Yours Faithfully, 

~ She Who Writes

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

--------YA SHOT 2015-------

This post is a bit late seeing as YA SHOT happened over 2 weeks ago. (but better late than never)

YA Shot is a literature festival that took place on the 28th of October this year, where I got to go to so many amazing workshops and meet both middle grade and YA authors. 

You can find out more info at the website which is:

You can also find out more information by checking out my YAShot post and some interviews I did with the creator of the event - Alexia Casale, and CJ Skuse, author of Monster and many other fantastic novels including Dead Romantic which I read a while ago. 

So onto what I did...
here, enjoy a nice picture of my husband Darren Criss.

1# I got there and received a bracelet which allowed me to enter all of the events.
2# Then I went and planned my day...
#3 Then I went to a a few workshops, my favourites being the workshop hosted by Taran Matharu and another one hosted by Benjamin of Tomes.

#4 Then I went to a few signings, got to meet Alexia in person - she is also very awesome in real life!

I wish I could have stayed longer, but I live so far away so I had to leave at 4pm :(.

I really hope this event becomes in annual thing! 

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more posts. 

(Disclaimer: The images used in this post were mostly mine, but not all were.

Yours Faithfully, 

~ She Who Writes

Monday, 2 November 2015

November TBR

Last month, my reading was sadly interrupted by an overload of school with the assumption that this will be happening this month, I have decided to limit my reads down to 4 books this month. 

So let's get to it shall we!?

A Court Of Thorns and Roses By Sarah J. Maas

Throne of Glass By Sarah J. Maas

Angels Twice Descending By Cassandra Clare and Robin Wasserman

Fans of The Impossible Life By Kate Scelsa

So that is my TBR!! Hopefully i'll get through everything or even read more than expected!

(Disclaimer: The images and gif used in this post are not mine.)

Yours Faithfully,

~ She Who Writes