1. I'm 16, turning 17 this year.
2. I love reading...and over the years i have collected over 1000 books. (most have either been donated or kept in storage, however my most recent collection of novels and novellas sit on many shelves around my room.)
3. My favourite colour is black...but for those who say that black is not a colour, i also happen to like purple.
4. I have never had a pet before...but I would like one in the future...maybe a cat...or a penguin.
5. On that note, my favourite animals are penguins.
6. I drink tea a lot, which is so cliché with me being British.
7. At A level I will be studying Maths, English Literature, Chemistry and Biology! I wanted to keep my options as open as possible, but I am so envious of those who know exactly what career they want.
8. I am a member of pflag / a supporter of the LGBTQ community.
9. My star sign is libra.
10. I am a feminist, which is word that is often misunderstood, when the concept of it is so simple. gender equality.
11. I wouldn't say that I listen to one type of music...one day I could be listening to gaga and the next fall out boy.
12. I love 80's films so much, I feel like the writing back then was such high quality, that modern movies can't always live up to.
13. My favourite subject is English Literature.
14. I am quite tall for my age...I think I am now 5'9?
15. My favourite actresses are: Meryl Streep, Emma Stone, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Frances Conroy and Emma Watson.
16. My favourite actors are: Johnny Depp, Patrick Stewart, Zachary Quinto, Nico Mirallegro, Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Radcliffe and Logan Lerman.

17. I like the idea of travelling but have a fear of planes.
18. My favourite movie is 'The Devil Wears Prada'.
19. I go to an all girls school
20. My favourite hunger games character is Finnick! and close seconds are haymitch and peeta.
21. My favourite book series is 'The Mortal Instruments' by Cassandra Clare.
22. On the subject of the mortal instruments....my OTP - one true pair, a persons favourite couple of all time which is very hard to decide, is Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane. aka 'Malec'. They are perfection wrapped up in a ball of love.
23. My favourite tv shows are E4's banana and cucumber, My Mad Fat Diary, Empire, Glee and Teen Wolf.
24. I am allergic to baked beans...
25. And lastly...I am an INFJ..which is a personality type on the myers briggs personality test.
I hope you now feel like you know more about me?
Yours Faithfully
~ SheWhoWrites
(Disclaimer: All images were found on google! not mine)
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