Monday, 20 July 2015

Summer Adventure : Meeting Queen Cassie

Fast Forward...

So that I do not bore you with the illness I have had to endure these past weeks, I will skip ahead to the 17th of July where I met Cassandra freaking Clare!

For those who are not aware, she wrote 'The Shadowhunter Chronicles' and is currently writing the 'Magisterium' Series with Holly Black!

When meeting her I thought I would have this reaction...

But instead I surprised myself and instead remained calm, cool and collected whilst dying on the inside. 

She was awesome and didn't make me feel like I was just some 'fan' but more like an equal. I think that's why a lot of us stopped screaming within 5 minutes because she was just really normal.

The rule was that we could only sign 3 books with Cassie, so I had to pick and choose wisely. I chose to get one of each of the series' signed based on my favorites. I chose Clockwork Prince, City of Glass and The Bane Chronicles. 

here are some pictures below!

These are some awesome Postcards I got at the event! and will be included in the Giveaway this here! for more info. 

I got the 'City Of Glass' signed as it is my favourite in the series!

I got 'The Bane Chronicles' signed because it is awesome so why not!?

Lastly I had 'Clockwork Prince' signed for the same was hard to choose but I think this or Clockwork Princess was my favourite in the series. 

This was the venue it was held at - WaterstonesNW3!

This was what the artist of the new covers for the series used to create the images, using a technique called 'etching'. 

These are the new covers that were recently released, my favourite is the city of glass cover!
Ahh, my favourite part! waiting in those queues.
I think everyone loved this part...FREE FOOD!

waiting for the interview part of the night...the wait was definitely worth while!

And last but not meeting the Queen!

The whole experience was so surreal, and I am so happy that I got tickets rather than talking myself out of it like I often do.

Stay tuned for more posts!

Yours Faithfully, 

~ She Who Writes

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