Saturday, 26 September 2015

LGBTQIA - Coming Out Stories

LGBTQIA Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer
 Intersex Asexual. 

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself" - Coco Chanel

In today's post I will be sharing some direct coming out stories that some of my friends have been so kind to share. :) I will also share how they came out to me and my reaction - which wasn't always the same! hopefully this will help people, as I think true friends will accept you no matter what race, gender, religion or sexuality you happen to be. I will be doing another post like this including more people in the community!

These are some of my friends answering the question of, How did you come out?

"I am not sure really! I never knew how I found out, but the first few times I was in a relationship I didn't feel all that involved, and when I liked a guy it turned out I just liked him as a best friend and had to break it off because it was making me feel like a bad person. But every time I was with a girl it just seemed to click and everything was warm,  fuzzy and I felt kind of happy? I don't just made sense to me."

"I didn't really come out to my family, I just started making constant gay jokes around them and they just kind of picked up, same with my friends."

Omlette is one of my closest friends, who I happened to take to prom because I wanted to be surrounded by awesome people! We've been friends for 6 years and her coming out didn't change anything about that...I am glad she did, because now she can continue being herself. 

Omlette didn't exactly 'come out' to me, because she knew my view on the LGBTQIA community and knew that there was no need. She kind of just told me that she was dating a girl, and I was like 'that's cool, does she like homestuck?' (for those unaware, homestuck is this online comic type series I believe that omlette is obsessed with)

Nadia made a video on her coming out story, which you can view by clicking here!

When she came out to me,  it was a bit like...oh so that boyfriend of actually a girl, that's cool with me!

In both these situations it wasn't a big deal - as it shouldn't be. Never apologies for being who you are.

Stay tuned for more LGBTQIA posts!

Yours Faithfully,

~ She Who Writes

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