Hello my fellow book lovers!
Today I will be revealing my 'Book Tube A Thon TBR' and explaining what the Book Tube A Thon actually is.
I took part in this particular reading challenge last year, around this time, and I loved it because it forces you to read in short period of time rather than procrastinate.
This reading challenge was conjured up by the book tuber 'Ariel Bissett'. It involves set challenges that makes the cramming worth it and fun. To find out more about the Book Tube A Thon, please do check out their Twitter! @BookTubeAThon
So! Without further a due....Here are the challenges this year and what I plan to read;
For this challenge I have chosen to read...
I am reading this because it is a compulsory book in my English syllabus next year, so why not!
The book I will be reading for this challenge is...
As I have mentioned before on here, I didn't like Gone Girl when I initially read it...but now I am starting to love Gone Girl....and I really want to read more of her stuff.
For this challenge, I will be reading...
So I first heard about this book on booktube, but I wasn't that interested...and after promising to read it thousands of times and being threatened by a certain book blogger....I have decided that it is time!
The thing is...I am really put off now by books with an extreme lack of diversity...and I know that this isn't diverse at all, so it just puts me off.
I'll try though.
I have picked...
Those that know me will also know that I love David Levithan's writing, hence why I have chosen to read this. This book is the sequel to his book Everyday, which I managed to read in one sitting.
for this challenge I chose...
This is a play by the writer Tennessee Williams, who I studied this year in English and loved. I then went on to read his other play The Glass Menagerie, which I also loved. Now this play will probably be the decider as to whether I am a fan of Williams as I think three is enough to determine
if you actually like something.
For this I shall be reading...
This book I don't know much about, but I do know that it is diverse! yayy
The seventh book I will be reading is...
This is another book I don't know much about, but it has good ratings...so we shall see.
(Disclaimer: The images used in this post are not mine)
Yours Faithfully,
~ The Literature and Tea Blog
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