Hello my fellow book lovers!
I have been absent for what seems like ages but only really 2 months, but truthfully I have been absent for almost a year.
Although I have made posts here and there during the year, it hasn't been as frequent and this is because of a multitude of reasons. The main being what I call, The Reading Disorder.
Suffering from something like Depression also affects other areas of life I used to enjoy - in this case, reading, and it has been so upsetting because I used to use reading as an escape, something I enjoyed.
I'm not making promises for 2017, but I would love to at least read a few more good books before 2016 ends, and I look forward to that.
Look out for more posts, and thank you for reading!
Yours Faithfully,
~ Literature and Tea
(Disclaimer: GD isn't mine sigh...how I wish he was - aka the gif)

if only...
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