As book worms we face some pretty problematic stuff, so this post is just highlighting some things we may all share in common...
1. When you're in a book store and you glance/stroke all the books you have previously read as if you've had an affair with all of them...

2. Walking passed a book store with a friend or family member and they give you a 'knowing look' and say 'no.'
I mean they're just books not drugs! (well they are like a drug, but there's no harm!...well there's harm to our feels but that's it!)
3. debating with ones self whether this chapter is more important than the homework due in tomorrow...

The chapter. The chapter wins.
4. waiting for another book in the series to come out, but it's taking forever...

5. no more money left for books...where did it all go? *I say whilst sitting on a stack of books I ordered*
well...there may be no money left but look at this pretty edition!! <3
6. When a book kills us and injects us with feels..
7. Lending someone a book and it coming back in a bad condition...
8. When your favourite character dies, and you no longer have the ability to function.. .

Then you enter a state of denial in order to carry on in life, doing normal stuff like finally inhaling oxygen again.
9. Book hangover...
10. When you come to the realisation that you fictional boyfriends/girlfriends, are *gasp* fictional?!

11. Still waiting for the Hogwarts letter, but assuming it's either a Sunday or that there is some Voldemort related excuse!

Voldemort is the cause of this...
12. reading in public and scaring strangers...
13. Reading a book and panicking because:
1. either everything is resolved but there are way to many pages left so you know that something bad will happen!
2. nothing is right, there is destruction and sadness everywhere but only a few pages left.

What is this madness!!
14. *checks the time - 10pm* okay just one more chapter! *checks the time again - 4am*
15. When someone criticizes your favourite book.
It's a free country where you can express your wrong opinions...please continue.
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