Friday, 7 August 2015

LGBTQIA : Introduction

LGBTQIA Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer
 Intersex Asexual. 

"There is nothing wrong with you, there is a lot wrong with the world you live in..." - Chris Colfer

I had this idea to do different posts on the topic of LGBTQIA, because I think it is important to raise awareness of the way this community are treated and to also help others that may feel lonely or misunderstood whilst being part of this community.

I have  few posts coming up based on this topic, such as: coming out stories from some of my good friends, great books I have read or others have read that include this community within the plot and more!

I feel as though the world has evolved greatly in terms of equality, but not enough. I was happy to see that in June, America took a massive step on the equality scale!
 Ireland also did this and the votes were mostly 'yes for gay marriage'. Honestly it is sad that there has to be a vote for people to get married, but at least the ignorance isn't as prominent as it used to be.

How did I become aware of this community?

I am a straight 16 year old who before 2011 didn't know that this community existed/ didn't know of how society as a whole viewed this community. (not until I started watching glee.)

Glee was a popular TV show that was about high schoolers from different cliques and walks of life that had a passion for performance, and therefore entered many show choir competitions. 

Watching this show introduced me to so many things that I wasn't aware of previously, such as how serious homophobia can be as well as how people in this community deal with the people around them that express different views and opinions. 

In real life - as in outside of the show, I soon found out that many of my friends were a direct part of this community, which made me even more aware of how society treated other human beings on the basis of who they are.

I hope that my posts help and or raise awareness, so stay tuned for more!

(Disclaimer: The images used in this post were not mine!)

Yours Faithfully,

~ She Who Writes

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