Sunday 23 August 2015

Unpopular Opinions Book Tag!

I wasn't tagged to do this, but it seems fun so why not? The tag was originally created by The Book Archer, so all credit goes to her for making this tag!

Warning: If you get extremely offended when people share negative opinions on things you love - I know how it feels!, don't read if you know it may dishearten you...

*spoilers lye ahead for: The Hunger Games*

Let's get started shall we?

1. A popular book or series that you didn't like?
This has to be Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I think it's something to do with the genre, i'm not sure whether I like thrillers!

2. A popular book or series that everyone else seems to hate but you love?
David Levithan books! I have noticed that a lot of people say that they do not like his writing style or cannot get into his books, but I love it and I love the message behind all of the books I have read of his so far. But I guess you can't please everyone!

3. A love triangle where the main character ended up with the person that you did not want them to end up with?
For this I chose The Hunger Games because I just felt as though the love triangle was not needed. I didn't want Katnis to end up with anyone of the two options she seemed to have - though I did  prefer Peeta. Why couldn't she be alone and remain happy? I don't understand...and I also don't think that she loved Peeta or Gale in a romantic way...they were both just safe options because of the society they live in. 

4. A popular book genre that you hardly reach for?
I hardly read thrillers and fantasy novels for two different reasons. With thrillers, I don't like being...I don't know thrilled? I don't like the constant not knowing of what's happening next in a heightened way. With fantasy novels, I often feel in the mood to read one, but don't want to be disappointed. I have to know that this book will not ruin the fantasy genre for me before reading it. 
5. A popular or beloved character that you do not like?
St Clair from Anna and the French Kiss was quite irritating...I didn't have a crush on him like most people do, I just didn't like his personality. (but I did love those moments of bromance we see with Josh.)
6. A popular author that you can't seem to get into?
Richelle Mead is an author that pops into my mind immediately. I couldn't read her series 'The Vampire Academy' because of the writing style and plot. I only managed to read the first book and half of the second book because of it's hype on the booktube community and my friend - with good book taste, having recommended it. 
7. A popular booktrope that you are tired of seeing?
I am tired of seeing the whole theme of one teenaged boy telling some teenaged girl that she is brilliant - and him being the first to say this! This isn't real - in most cases. Stop indirectly raising expectations, it's making my crush on Will Herondale a lot harder. 
8.  A popular series that you have no interest in reading?
The Vampire Academy series. Sadly despite the hype, I don't think I can see myself finishing that series.
9. The saying goes the book is always better than the movie but what tv show or movie adaptation do you prefer more than the book?
Gone Girl is a movie that I enjoyed much more than the book - which I disliked a lot.

Thats the end of the tag! I hoped you enjoyed reading it! :)

Next I tag anyone that wants to do this tag! It's a free country ish.

(Disclaimer: The image used in this post is not mine.)

Yours Faithfully, 

~ She Who Writes

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